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Compression calculator

08/21/2024 19:29
Here is a link to a compression calculator. I hope it works correctly.
08/29/2024 14:11
It gives me about the same as the CP calculator. Both values make me happy I used 6X heads and can burn mid grade. In a rare (especially at that age) moment of foresight I figured gas wouldn’t always be so cheap.
08/31/2024 23:05
What is your combo and performance numbers? My 455 +0.030", RA4 cam, home pored 6x-8 heads ran about 7.7 @ 90 in 1/8", 12.1 @ 111 in 1320. On 93 octane. Maybe I should have tried 90 octane.
09/02/2024 01:22
400 .030, 6X-4, Nunzi 2041, CRP Q-jet. Zero decked. Never been to the track. Closest is three hours. 12.1 is a very good time. I understand detonation, but not much else about octane.
09/02/2024 13:39
Well, you're better off than I. My car has been disassembled for almost 20 years.
09/05/2024 00:19
That’s too bad. Do you have an ETA to get it back on the road?
09/05/2024 22:29
Man, the last several years I've had much higher priorities. Raising a family being the biggest. Since I'm a mechanic by trade, I just don't have much left over for "fun" anymore. My kids are starting to drive, so we're buying and fixing/maintaining those cars too. Ponchos used to be a BIG idol for me. Maybe I can have some fun with them in the future. Or not.
09/06/2024 00:45
I admire your prioritization. I still enjoy Pontiacs and bikes and etc. But commitment to faith, family and country pays dividends temporal things never can.. I am in spitting distance of retirement and having the time to get my car ship shape. But it looks like I may get detoured to help a sick family member. I have to keep telling myself “ No greater love”. I’m sure you already know.
09/06/2024 19:26
I thought about "no greater love" today, in hindsight. I had a stranger make a negative comment about kids and I coulda/shoulda/woulda said something about how valuable my kids are. I've had "bad" results with some routine blood work, soon is an appointment with a doctor that I'd rather not have. I've got lots of Pontiacs and parts, but none that are very close to driving. I've looked at FB Marketplace and the TEMPTATION is to run out and buy a running car and drive it while I feel good (in case the doctor gives me the "worst" news). But that's a temptation to return to the idolatry.
09/06/2024 20:55
Another thought I've had....the last few years have been financially "tighter" than normal. Inflation way outpaced my pay raises. Recently, a change of ownership of the business increased my pay...by a large %. I started to think about spending money on play stuff (AKA Pontiacs). I wasn't "counting my chickens before they hatched", but I was sure *thinking* about the chickens. Contrast that with the possibility of instant, unforeseen death. A highway crash near my house not long ago killed one occupant in each car. I bet neither person thought they'd never get over the little bitty hill they were cresting. I need to be thankful that by God's grace I've crested a lot of hills, and keep my eyes focused on Him, regardless of any Pontiacs that won't run or reports from Doctors.
09/07/2024 02:01
Sorry to hear this, it must be very disconcerting, but you know who the great physician is, and my wife and I will be praying for the best possible outcome. That’s an excellent way of thinking about cresting hills. I have struggled with that a lot in my life. I say this jokingly, but at least you idolized something cool. Mine was a faceless, soulless corporation, and when they unceremoniously gave me the boot after many years, I am more than a little embarrassed to say I was pretty shook. Not about the money or the benefits, it was the approval addictions that I had to deal with, and the realization I had other gods in my life. In the end it was one of the best things that ever happened to me. For me staying on the straight and narrow path is a real challenge, mostly because of unexpected trials, but it can also lead to places we never in our wildest imagination thought we could get to. People are watching what we are going through, and they will ask why,, and we will be ready with an answer. Sometimes I think my rebellious, foolish self is going to just make it over the finish line smelling like smoke, but then I am relieved because I think I would never make it relying only on my flesh, and my election is sure. I’m sure it will be perfectly clear in time, and I have faith that you will have that time, (and assets), if you should revisit your old hobby, with a new outlook. I found mine sitting in a field not far from a church we attended. Knocked on the guys door every week for a solid 52 weeks, with polite refusals, then one week it was the right time.
09/07/2024 20:44
I thank you for the prayers. Before I idolized Pontiacs/racing I was a basketball "fan" (I'm in KY ya know). Cars, ball, business achievements....anything and everything can be a trap. Last Sunday my pastor spoke about "Focus". I'd already been thinking about that...focusing on an illness and a perception of limited time left here is NOT the right view. Looking to here and now, and like you said, being a witness is what I'm to do whether I'm here for 4 minutes or 4 decades. Thanks for the encouragement.
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